Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quotes of Yesterday

"Green Tea. It will increase your life by several years."

"You're a friendlish to me."

"Te Gusta?" (Dear Spanish friends -- How is my spelling? "No italino!! EspaƱol!"

"You're holding my hand, Chuck. You sly dog."


Keely said...

Hee hee! I love it!

Is the second quote supposed to be, "You speak friendlish to me" or did I miss a conversation yesterday? :)

We seriously should get together and watch Charlie Brown. I'll have to ask Floss to dig out the tape with the binder episode on it...

Kiri said...

Yesterday was so much fun! And I 2nd the motion on making the Peanuts marathon actually happen!

Laura said...

Keely, Yes. Whoops! It should have read "You speak friendlish to me." I guess I still have more to learn. ;)

And yes, I totally agree girlies! The Peanuts marathon must happen. I <3 Peppermint Patty!!