According to a good friend of mine, I am a camera killer. Yep, I dropped my digital camera on cement. Aren't I a clever girl? No need to answer that... it's rhetorical.
Do all these ramblings have a purpose? Yep! I'm just letting all you lovely readers know it may be awhile before you see any of my nice photos. :(
Oh, and on another note, when I finally find
s'more time, I WILL answer all your wonderful comments. :)
Poor darling! I promise I will eventually remember to take your camera home with me and retrieve your pictures for you...
Did you find the missing eye balls?
Thanks, Kiri! And yes, I did find the eyeballs!! Huzzah! They were in the statues.
I completed the game too... Albeit with some help from my brother who knows things about pigeons. :) Did Keely and Keslie have trouble with the weird nautical poem too? I never would have figured it out.
Hmmm... I don't remember there being pigeons in that game.
Yes, we struggled through most of the clue stories in that book. Teeth. Clock. But the one about which direction the eyeballs should face was, in my memory, the WORST. Thought we'd never get that one right. But eventually we did. :)
I don't know, the clock might have been worse...
Yeah, La, when were there pigeons? I don't remember that...
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