Monday, July 12, 2010

Beach Trip: Part 4 of 5 -- "Whadaya talkin' about?"

Perhaps the best thing about being with my girlfriends is the encouraging conversations...

But all good things must end... And we packed the car.

Some of we really tired... and some played with the laptop

Some of us were ready to drive...

And some of us were just plain silly. :)

But there was one more stop to make...


Hannah Moss said...

Oh, yes, please do post pictures of the graduation party/dance too! :)

Kelsie said...

The list comparing was awesome! And the drive home, too. Though it was sad that the trip was over... :o( But I loved singing "That Thing You Do" :o)

Keely said...

"Listing" was a good time. I loved watching and discussing The Monstrous Regiment with ya'll too. I don't think it's ever taken that long for us to watch that movie. We certainly used the pause button a lot! But it was so worth it. I was very encouraged. :) I love you guys!!!