Monday, October 25, 2010

Homecoming Parade

Jim and Cindy were kind enough to let their children come with Daniel and me to walk in the Homecoming Parade. West Virginians for Life has a group every year, and the kids (and I!) were excited to participate.

The Theme? "What if I hadn't been born?"
After waiting for the parade to start (and the kids listening to my instruction -- you aren't allowed to throw candy anymore...) we marched down the street. Smiling and walking all the way.

Back row: Noah and Daniel Front Row: Evangelia, Jude, and Maggie 
But, we did take some time for pictures! It was "a prime blogging opportunity."

Me and the kids
We saw many friends... and missed several more.

Make a silly face
Next year, I'll have to bring more candy... we ran out before we completed the route...

And another!
After the parade, the kids wanted to take a photo with Bob, Penny, and Rufus.
I LOVE taking pictures with Bob, Penny, and Rufus!!

The kids with my favorite statue
And the funnier the poses, the better. *grins*

Noah wanted Bob's gun
Can't wait 'til next year. :)


Kiri said...

We so enjoyed taking our kiddos to the parade last year and were disappointed to have a conflict this time. Maybe next year we can all make it. That would be fun! And we could get ice cream or something afterward... Chunky Monkey? :)

Kelsie said...

wish we could have been there!