Friday, December 19, 2008

Facebook Fever

What is it about Facebook? Everyone has one... Everyone wants one... Everyone apparently needs one. In fact, I think it's kind of sad. However, I've learned that one can't stand in the way of the rising tide... When your great Aunt looks at you and says, "Would you please get Facebook? Then we can all share pictures." What can you say besides, "I'll ask my Dad"? Well, here I am now with Facebook... I'm not really sure I'm all that happy about it, but I can at least keep up with family and friends around the country. I feel like calling myself hypocrite and a sellout... Maybe I should add that to my description of myself on Facebook. :(


Keely said...

Well, it will be interesting to see what you think of it after awhile... I'm assuming you're still planning to update your blog for all of us out-of-date people, right?

Laura said...

Yes!! I plan to be on my blog more than on Facebook... Oh well, I couldn't say no. :)