Monday, August 10, 2009

Julie & Julia

Tonight with my mom & several ladies from my church, I watched a delightful movie. Having seen the trailer for Julie & Julia several times, I was quite intrigued. But, after watching the movie, I was enthralled! This is exactly the type of movie I could see myself watching with my husband as a young married couple. Some pizza & pop, curled up on the couch for movie night... and I'll say, "Let's watch Julie & Julia." I can even hear him groan. :) But, I'll gently remind him that I watched Die Hard last week with no complaints. ;)

A movie about two women, Julie Powell & Julia Child, living in different times. But their goals are similar. Two women both wanting to cook... both wanting to do something wonderful with their lives... both wanting to please their husbands. But their husbands are not just some guy in their lives; their husbands are their rocks. The ones who encourage them and make them dream. And their dream is to cook and make fine food. Not box meals... Not microwave madness. REAL food.

This gem of a movie was even respectful. Julia's sadness over not having children was tragic. Julie's realization of the importance of respecting her husband was glorious! A modern film with some kind of standard. Marvelous! This is not to say that J&J didn't have flaws. But, they were remarkably few. Not to mention, watching Julia Child with her sister made me desperately wish for a sister of my own!
J&J was funny. It was captivating. It was cute. We laugh with Julie & Julia. I wanted to cry with them. As I watched the J's move into their new homes with their respective husbands, I found myself looking forward to the future. A little nook of my own. A place to cook... perhaps even with a Julia Child's cookbook.

Oh! and P.S. The clothes were adorable. *smiles*

1 comment:

Kiri said...

You make me want to see it!