Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Good and Bad days

Talking with my Grandfather never ceases to amaze me. We seem to get into "deep" discussions very easily. Today on the way home, my Grandfather asked me if I had a good day. I replied, "yes." Grandpa then responded that all days are good. I disagreed. "Some days are bad", I argued. Grandpa insisted that all days come from God, and therefore they are good. But, I reasoned that God let bad, horrible things happen to Job for His glory. Clearly, Job wasn't having good days. In this sinful world, he had bad days. But, God tells us that everything that happens to us is for our good.

So maybe even the "bad" days are "good" days?

-The Confused Granddaughter


Kiri said...

Hmmm... That's an interesting, not-very-flaky thought. Maybe the idea isn't whether the day itself is good or bad, but how our sinful natures come out in certain days. There are days when I completely blow it, but God is greater than me and can use my "bad"ness for His glory. So even when I fail and my day feels like it can't get any worse, there's a sense of contentment when I realize that God is at work in it all. That knowledge makes bad days seem much more like good ones! It's all in perspective...

Hope you can come tonight!

Laura said...

Thanks so much for commenting, Kiri! It's always nice to know that someone is reading my blog. And your words are encouraging!

Cricket said...

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

I would think that every gift (or day) is good because He-Who-Does-Not-Change gave it to us and he only gives good and perfect gifts. So, maybe a day that is "bad" mayn't feel "good", but it's perfect!