Sunday, September 13, 2009

Falltime - Part 1

I love autumn! It is my favorite time of year. The crisp air & beautiful colors bring joy to my heart. Each year, there are lots of things I look forward to... over the next several posts, I'll share some of them.

Fall Scenery

I may not always love to study... but coming back to campus in the fall is not without its joys. Nothing can beat the WVU downtown campus for beauty in the fall. Woodburn circle... All the trees... the flowers. Gorgeous!

The leaves beginning to change

The hazards of reading economics outside

Even the colors at home...

And who can resist fall clothing?

School hoodies are the best!


Kiri said...

Autumn is my favorite season, too! Everything is so lovely. Though I have a fear I'm going to miss the most beautiful part of autumn in the mountains this year. As if CO could be even half as beautiful as my hometown... *sigh*

Love the last pic. Was it inspired by our new favorite boy bands' choreography? =)

Laura said...

Ha ha ha. I wish I could say that is was inspired by our new favorite boy band. ;) But it was just my doing... Maybe my subconscious at work? :P