Monday, February 23, 2009

Winter Frolic '09

It's that time of year again! Winter Frolic with the college and career folks of the Ohio presbytery refreshes and encourages my soul. I made new friends, strengthened old friendships, and generally enjoyed my immensely.

Daniel and I
Friday night, we all enjoyed a meal at the Brejwo's house. We awoke early Saturday to make the trip to Hidden Valley ski resort. There was skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and studying done by everyone. :)

Sarah and Dee

Then it was back to the Semel's for pizza and more fellowship.

Garrett and Mandy
After a good night's rest, we worshiped together and ate lunch together. Sadly, then all our guests had to leave...

Steven, Nate, Garrett, Dee, Sarah, and Ben
I will pray for my friends in their callings, struggles, and triumphs. All these young people are my brethren in Christ. I thank God for them.


Kelsie said...

I wish we could have gone. But I'm glad ya'll had fun!

Laura said...

As I told Joel, this morning after church, "There's always next year!"
I really missed you all! Hopefully next year, you all can come. :)