Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meme Time

No, the title is not "me! me! time"... It's "meme time." Okay maybe a definition would help: "A meme is blogspeak for an idea spread from blog to blog." (Urban Dictionary)

I received the Honest Scrap Award from The Kincell Family! Thanks so much y'all. Your family got me started on blogging, and I really appreciate it. :P

So... um, good for you? What does that mean?

The 4 Rules of THSA:
1. Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award
2. Share "ten honest things" about yourself.
3. Present this award to 7 others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
4. Tell those 7 people that they've been awarded the "Honest Scrap" and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

My "10 Honest Things":
1) I'm becoming a WWII nerd
2) Celtic Thunder is definitely my *favorite* boy band ;)
3) I'm watching Smallville season 1 right now
4) After I graduate, I plan to continue studying Italian
5) Contra dancing is one of my most preferred activities
6) I still adore kid's movies
7) X-Men Origins: Wolverine is the best superhero movie ever!! *At least that's what I think right now-- How's that for a qualifier?*
8) My left upper ear is pierced
9) When I enter a contest (or drawing), I tend to win -- My dad says I'm lucky
10) I love cute scarves!

And my 2 recipients are: Okay, you already see that I'm breaking one of the rules. ;) But, I'm sure y'all love me anyway. :P

Ben's blog is chalk full of Christian apologetic and philosophy. He never ceases to challenge me. Definitely, check it out... but don't do so lightly.

Charity's blog has movie and television reviews galore. She also has a fetish for the Gothic. Right up my alley.

Congrats, y'all. Your blogs are fabulous!


Keely said...

Celtic Thunder is my *favorite* band too! This is why we're friends... :)

Smallville season 1? Did you finish watching season 6?

Laura said...

I did finish watching season 6... and 7... and about 1/2 of 8. :P And I really wanted to watch Smallville from the beginning. :P So, here I am at season 1 again.

Keely said...

Tee hee. I love you! :)