Friday, November 27, 2009

So Much to be Thankful for

What would Thanksgiving be without Pumpkin pie?

Even though 3/5 of the Powells are ill, we still had so much to be thankful for... God has blessed my family with so much; blessings too numerous to count. His covenant faithfulness is everlasting.

After our meal (and some much needed naps!), we met together to play some Wii sports and to watch the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.


As we read the story of the Pilgrims, I was reminded of how sovereign God is... He took a man named Squanto halfway around the world to provide for the Pilgrims.

And God is not divided in His attention. Each one of His children has 100% of Him all the time. He hears our prayers in the same way He heard the prayers of the Pilgrims. Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful mercy!


Kiri said...

Well, pumpkin pie has never been a part of Kincell Thanksgivings, but we changed that this year. It was really pretty yummy (despite the fact that this cook went a little overboard with the cloves...)!

I'm sorry to hear that yet another of your family is ill! But I'm very glad that you had a good Thanksgiving.

I'll call you later, chum. :)

Kelsie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, La! (A day late...) I'm sad that you're sick now too. :o( Hopefully you'll be better soon so we can watch more BoB. It's beautiful!

I like the new background! But you didn't have to change your bloglist from alphabetical order... But it does kinda slay me. tee hee hee