Friday, May 21, 2010

"Ya Cheese 'Em Back"

"When someone cheeses you, ya cheese 'em back." And what better time to practice your "cheese" skills then after a ball?

Aren't the costumes fabulous!?

Family Photos :-)

Caleb and Ian

Ern, Patrick, and Mr. Christie

Me and Dee

Of course, some of us weren't sure about the whole "cheese" thing.

But, they came around

Mr. Kincell after an afternoon of calling

More Girlies in costume!

Some of the young gentlemen

Me, Keely, and Josh

Dee and Kes

And if your "cheesing" skills fail...
there are always posed photos. :O)


Kiri said...

Nice! I have a shocking lack of family photos from the end of the ball... Too much clean-up, not enough picture taking. Bummer. But you got some really good ones! We'll have to share photos soon.

Kelsie said...

Cute post! love the after-ball pics!

Laura said...

I'll have to make y'all a CD with the ball pictures on them!