Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Camp: Initiation Rights

After figuring out which cabin you're in.... You are assigned to a tribe... Either: Prophets, Priests, or Kings. :) (Of course, the counselors have their own tribe....)

Each tribe elects a chief, sagamore, and a sagaless. Then at the first campfire, Monday night, we have initiation. Generally, the more ruinous the better. Last year was water and flour. Translated: a paste that never seems to come off. :P Yuck!

This year.... An egg toss. Sorry, no pictures!

And a pudding fling... The sagamore was blindfolded and given a bowl of pudding with marshmallows and a spoon. The chief stood opposite. Goal: Fling pudding (and marshmallows) into the chief's mouth. Most in two minutes wins!

Some of our chiefs came out covered! As did the spectators... but I suspect Larry threw pudding into the crowd on purpose. :P

Jonathan: Chief of the "Pastels" er, Counselors

Then came perhaps the loudest initiation of all... The sagaless(es) had an egg wrapped in hosiery tied on their head... and the sagamore(s) were blindfolded (again) and instructed to break the egg with their noodle! Go!

Me: giving instructions
The Prophets
The Priests
The Pastels

The Kings
Does anybody see the ruination yet?


Kiri said...

Oh, wow! Who comes up with your opening games?

Laura said...

Hahaha. Well... I hate to admit it. But, Mellissa, Jake, and myself came up with the initiation rights. :P