Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Camp: Why are we here?

Of course, the ultimate goal of camp is to glorify God. To this end, the theme of this year's camp was "Serving Others in a Self-Serve World."

With the youngest kids...

Mr. W guided them in...

memorizing scripture, singing songs, and playing games.

Jonathan taught some of the Missions lessons.

With the older kids...

Mr. I and his son talked about their mission trip to Haiti...

Mitch spoke about the chaplaincy and being a soldier

The kids had discussion groups...

And Mr. H delivered messages about needing Christ in our lives (and being able to serve God) before we have the ability to serve others...

The need to worship, honor our parents, and treat each other respectfully.

And I don't have any pictures of Bob's or Ken's sessions. :(
But, it was a wonderful week filled with the word preached. :)

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