Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

This is my favorite Leighton painting. Drumroll please......



Kiri said...

Very pretty! But I still like "Signing the Register" the best! :)

Laura said...

Doesn't Norman Rockwell have a "Signing the Register" type painting too?

Kiri said...

Notta clue. I've never been very good with artists and their work. I really didn't enjoy 10th grade lit because of the paintings in it that seemed to worm their way onto every test...

Kiri said...

Aha! I found one called "The Marriage License". It's not nearly as pretty as "Signing the Register," but it's kind of similar. You'll like the gal's shoes. :)

Laura said...

I looked at her shoes... I do like them! But did you think I'd like them because they're heeled pumps or because they "clash"?

Kiri said...

Because they're heeled pumps! Her shoes don't clash; I think they're cute with her little yellow dress. So vintage and cute!

And besides, I'm not sure I believe that you love clashing shoes. You may speak of wearing them, but I've yet to see you in any shocking and horrible combination.