Monday, July 14, 2008

Visit with the Steward Family

Last Sunday, Dee, Daniel, and I started the journey south for the Christian Worldview Student Conference. We did get stuck in traffic, but we still made it to the Steward home by 7:00pm... Thankfully, we didn't get lost! Dee and I always know we're on the right road when we see signs for the "Naked Mountain Winery" -- How WRONG is that! It's the brown sign in the picture... I knew if I didn't include proof, none of ya'll would believe me.

And I always love seeing fellow Powell's... The take over will shortly begin. :P

It was so wonderful of the Steward's to let us stay with them. Visiting with Vanessa is always something I look forward to; we laughed and joked until after midnight...
Her artwork is amazing!!!
Vanessa and Benjamin
The boys playing video games
But despite the good fellowship, we still had to leave on Monday for CWSC. After our goodbyes, we hit the road to continue our journey south..


Tricia said...

Yay!! A new post! I'm loving the pictures. :D

Laura said...

How are you? I'll be calling you soon to set a date to watch the Sixth Sense. :)

Tricia said...

Sounds terrific! I'm already looking forward to it. :)
Why is this the last CWSC? What was your favorite part of the time there?