Friday, April 9, 2010

MECHE Skit Practice

One of the many fantabulous activities that happened over Spring Break.... MECHE skit practice!
After the writing and planning, the Deals, Mosses, Martinezs, Kincells, and Powells met to practice our program. With some blunders, hilarious accidents, and food, the night came together. Pictures of the actual night soon to come!

Testing <--> Thought bubbles

Lunch Time

Homeschool in a Bag
I will Survive
Interrogation Skit


Hannah Moss said...

Yay!! Pictures! :D Finally, I get to see all four testing students at the same time and can see what the other three kids' signs were! :)

Kiri said...

MECHE skit practice was so much fun!!! We had such a great cast and finally found the funny. :) Thanks for all the work you did! You were awesome!

Cricket said...

Ooh! When you officially present this, will you be videotaping it?

Kelsie said...

They were pretty awesome. And everyone seems to have enjoyed them. They saw the funny! YAY!!!