Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Creation Museum

When my Dad suggested we make a stop at the Creation Museum on our way home from KY, all I could do was excitedly shout, "YES!" So on our way home, we stopped at the museum for 6 hours. And it was everything that I hoped it would be. :)

The staff were quick to welcome us... and point us in the right direction.

As soon as we acquired our tickets...

the displays amazed me. :)

The 7 C's were one of my favorite pieces of the museum.

Me, Daniel, and Mom in front of a cave display

I loved the museum's emphasis on the Bible's answers to life's problems/questions.
And the emphasis on evolution's lack of answers...

What are our lives without God?

Sin. Chaos. Death. Destruction.

But, God's truth is wonderful!
The creations videos, displays, and animations were excellent reminders of our merciful God.

The history walk-through was great.
From Adam and Eve's sin to the Great Flood.
From Babel to the Cross.
Man's sinfulness and God's faithfulness were before us.

I was so excited for the ark exhibit!

The story of Noah's ark had always been fascinating to me...
what a great experience to see a life-size "piece" of it.

The ark was HUGE! Daniel could have fit inside the walls. WOW.

Stay tuned for part 2...


Keely said...

Isn't the Creation Museum awesome?!? We've have a great time every time we've visited there. Did you guys get to visit the planetarium? That's pretty cool...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Kiri said...

I'm so glad you got to stop by the Creation Museum! It is such a cool place!

Cleanhousewithkids said...

That's pretty cool, Laura. I love each peek inside that place, since I've never been there. :D

Kelsie said...

Awesomeness! I love that place, it's so bsweet!

Tricia - you should get your hubby to take you. There's a petting zoo, but Baby might not appreciate it quite yet... :oP