Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Incredible Hulk

Some of my friends were surprised to hear that I wanted to see this movie... In fact, I think we were all wondering: Wasn't the Hulk made into a movie only a couple of years ago? Yes. It was. However, if you did watch it (and survived that painful experience) then you know how bad it really was. Cheesy graphics, poor storyline, and generally just all around boring.

So why did you want to see another one? Good question... I too, when I first heard about this movie, rolled my eyes and groaned. But, I chanced to read a review on PluggedinOnline... This review alone made me decide to risk another evening with The Incredible Hulk.
So was it good?
To put it in few words as possible, it was incredible. Okay, I can see the tomatoes being thrown my way. :) To be serious, this movie is probably one of my favorite superhero movies, and I have only seen it once.

The mild manner exterior of Bruce Banner seriously belies the raging beast inside him. But this man or "Hulk" is the hero of this story. When his heart rate increases, in a moment's notice, Bruce becomes a terrifying 9-foot green anger-management session waiting to happen. Cue antagonist, there are those in the U.S. Army who want to use the "Hulk" for a weapon. But, Bruce knows better than anyone this thing is not controllable... And shouldn't be forced on anyone. Hiding from the U.S. Army isn't easy, and Bruce enlists the help of his former girlfriend, Dr. Betsy Ross. Things get complicated, because general chasing Bruce is Betsy's father.... And I haven't even mentioned the crazy super-soldier with a desire to defeat the Hulk.
Okay, admit it! Aren't you even a little intrigued? This story exemplifies good themes: Justice, sacrifice, and the danger of power for power's sake alone. Bruce is a unlikely hero, but one the audiences sympathizes with. We want him to escape from General Ross, we want him to have a normal life with Betsy, and we cheer him on as he fights to save those he loves. Alright, I've said enough... Go see The Incredible Hulk.

Note: After posting this, my brother told me I should post a disclaimer.... Disclaimer: This movie is not for everyone. I highly suggest reading Plugged In and Charity's reviews.


Anonymous said...

"...One of my favorite superhero movies"?? Wow! It must have been pretty good. Now I need to go read the reviews...

P.S. I'm home! :o)

Anonymous said...

It must be really great! Better than Spidey???

Maybe we should go see it instead of Get Smart. (Did you read the Get Smart reviews?)

Laura said...

Hi guys! Welcome back! Yes, I do love the Hulk... I probably won't see it again in theaters, but I am trying to practice moderation in my theater going (at least in number of viewings)... Unless you all want to see it. I am easily convinced of good company. And it is an AWESOME movie.

Not better than Spidey, but almost as good. Spidey is my favorite superhero, but this movie made the Hulk up there with Batman and Superman. I told my brother I need a Hulk poster. (He just laughed at me!)

Laura said...

I forgot... I did read the Get Smart reviews, and I was utterly replused. It is not the Don Adams' Get Smart that we all knew and loved. This is part of the reason I didn't call you all to go see the movie... I didn't think you all would want to see it either. I can't wait to find out your opinions. :-)

Tricia said...

Did you end up seeing The Happening, Laura? I watched it this afternoon (with my brothers and sisters and sister-in-law). It has an incredible amount of suicides, but I don't think the viewer should come away thinking it was a movie about "saving the earth" and the environment killing us off. I'm not sure if M. Night meant the point to be about that or not (I doubt he could be that shallow), because he had a great deal of sweetness and depth in the way he portrayed families and relationships, and I thought that was actually the real point to the film. If you ever see it, please tell me your opinion!!

Laura said...

Hey Tricia,
Yes, I did see the happening... I'm going to try to post a review soon. However, I don't think you'll like what I have to say about it. I think M. Night was pretty heavy handed in his message, and I was offended by the film. But, I'll share more on why later. I can't wait to here more of what you think about it.

Tricia said...

What'd you think his message was, Laura? I can't wait to hear YOUR thoughts!! Last night I talked to a couple (Sarah's sister and her husband) who was overwhelmingly positive about the film, so that made me like it even more. :) Supposedly Mark Wahlberg is a devout Catholic, and he was thinking about Jesus all through the film and wanted the film to be about redemption. And M. Night said he doesn't like movies that have violence without a *point;* he wants to see God in all his movies. Atheists hated the movie because they said it was about intelligent design. Anyway..."my firearm will stay by my side. My firearm is my friend." :( That was miserably sad.

Tricia said...

Here's an interesting link:

Kiri said...

The Get Smart reviews are horrible! I'm definitely not planning to see it. Of course, I'm convinced that casting Anne Hathaway was just the beginning of the downward spiral... :oP

Is Hulk worth seeing in the theatre? We could just rent it when the DVD comes out in 3 months or so... I'm glad you like it! I'm really up for a good new super-flick.

Laura said...

I think the movie is definitely worth seeing in theaters, but as you can tell I am now a HULK fan!

I would recommend it... But you should read the reviews for yourself. :)