Wednesday, June 25, 2008

VBS: Night 3

I think today was the best VBS night so far!

My favorite picture.

Some of the highlights:

Opening exercises were great... I love watching the kids faces as they try to do the motions. "Amen!" is our favorite bible school song. We get pretty loud and rowdy. :PDr. Knox shared with us his gift for music...
The older kids played a rousing game of soccer (minus a few rules), and the younger kids had I relay race based on the 5th commandment. (I also participated)
Dr. Jackson got a nose ring! ;-P

Nate and Mandy tried to work on crafts...

After most everyone went home, Daniel, Dee, Jake, Sammi, Josh, Jonah, and I played a game of roof volleyball... My house is so weirdly situated for this new-strange game. Of course, we weren't really keeping score, but my team still didn't win.

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