Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Tailor

"To be, or not to be: That is the question:" ~Hamlet

I keep hoping my costume will be done in time for the Céilidh ball... Can I do it? Only time will tell. :/ In the meantime, I'm hard away at it.

This is my first time "drawing" my pattern... Thus far, it's been a headache. But, "I shall conquer this!" :D

It is fun to see my own work come together...

I love blue marking pencils.

And a little friend came to "help" with my project.

And yes... I am running out of words for sewing... hence the random blog post title.


Der Luchs said...

Mm. Don't ya just *love* how cats not-so-subtly inform you that they want attention by getting right in the middle of your project / board game / puzzle / etc.?

Kiri said...

Chemise? Keep it up, Girlie! You can do it! And whatever other encouraging words you need to hear... If you're using ESC's instructions, they may not be uber simple, but they are TONS easier than the Simplicity pattern I used. That was a nightmare!

Do me a favor and email me, pretty please. I'm not sure any of my emails are getting through to you now that you don't have Verizon. And I can't remember what you said your new one is...