Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's a great day to be a Mountaineer...

...wherever you may be.

The Mountaineers took on Villanova and came out 48-21. The team started off slow, but once they got into a rhythm amazing things happened. Clearly, Coach Stew did an amazing job this summer. Just for a side note-- Announcers still come up with the greatest phrases---Noel Devine is like a ping-pong ball in a bathtub.

But, the Mountaineers could rejoice for more than just their own victory.
Virginia Tech lost to East Carolina... 22-27. The Mountaineers will have their work cut out for them next week when they play at EC.

Pitt lost to Bowling Green. (Tee Hee Hee) 17-27. Nuff' said. :P

And perhaps the best news of all:
Michigan lost to Utah: 23-25. Does anyone really miss Rod?!

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