Monday, August 4, 2008


Superheroes. They come in black, red, blue, and green. Some are huge and muscular; others are average height and weight. Some have superpowers beyond belief: they have regenerative capabilities, the ability to fly, see through walls, shoot webs, use telekinesis, communicate telepathically, transform into a giant superhuman, and that’s just to name a few. Others are ordinary men; they used their wealth to make themselves heroes that evil-doers fear. With great gadgets and armor, they don’t need the powers that other superheroes were blessed with.

Given gifts of power (or mutation) to protect others: one defends a city, even when that means his job, relationship, and schooling will suffer… another cannot live a normal life; his friends see him only as a nerdy reporter, but adore his alter ego… many protect and would die for those who hate, even persecute them for their gifts... one man will forgo his love to protect the world from a power-hunger man bent on destruction…
These ones sometimes struggle with the heroic deeds they have been chosen for… But ultimately, any of them would sacrifice everything to do the right thing. Others chose to be the one who would sacrifice: one tries to live up to the legacy his father left under the cover of darkness… Without a secret identity, another tries to change the legacy his father created.
Maybe all you recognize the superheroes I am taking about: Spiderman, Superman, The X-Men, The Hulk, Batman, and Iron Man. Why do we love them so much? Nobility, justice, sacrifice, responsibility, and morality are all qualities that superheroes personify. (Even while wearing great costumes!)

This month and perhaps even continuing into September, I plan to post several superhero themed posts… I hope you enjoy random trivia and thoughts on superheroes.


Tricia said...

If you could have one "superhero" type ability (anything, really, that's not possible for humans in reality), what would it be?

Fahad said...

spider man my hero

Laura said...

I would probably want to either fly like Superman, or run fast as the wind like the Flash. How about you?

Fahad said...

Fly from place to place like Super Man.
I would to be like bee from flower to flower.

Tricia said...

I would fly, too, except that I'm afraid of heights...There are times that I'd appreciate the ability to read people's minds or know the future or hear what people are saying when I'm not in the room. But I really doubt I'd want to keep any of those abilities for long. :-p