Monday, November 22, 2010

A Céilidh should be... Green?

Even though the ball was almost 3 weeks ago (GASP!), I'm finally blogging about it. Hopefully, my readers will be gracious? :P

I always start my blog posts with one about decorations... and while I don't think tradition should be kept for tradition's sake, good traditions are worth preserving...

Planning a ball is almost as fun as the balls themselves. And one of our important questions is decor. What color should a Céilidh be? Considering the word has Gaelic and Celtic origins, green is the natural color.

But what would a ball in the autumn season be without some fall colors? I love those little pumpkins. :)
So, before our guests arrived, the Kincells and Powells set to work transforming the room into a ball room.
And the green and autumnal color palette came together beautifully, if I do say so myself.
Mrs. Kincell did a lovely job, as usual, on the food table.
And I love this new platter. It's weird to share a picture of it on the blog, but I couldn't resist.
While we set up, we take as many pictures as possible. A ball MUST BE DOCUMENTED! *grins*

Keely with the lovely centerpiece
Food! (Insert the "Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Hahaha)
I was really excited about the labels for the hot drinks -- with a celtic scroll...
The two dads had some help setting up the sound equipment.

The new banner over the drink table...
Soon the guests started arriving, and I scrambled to light the candle...
The Céilidh was wonderful. And this picture surely captures my thoughts...
More coming...

1 comment:

Kiri said...

The Ceilidh looked so nice! Using the same room 3 times consecutively has really made our job so much easier. I hope we don't get too spoiled by it, but in the meantime I love it! :)