Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Parental Rights Rally

Supporting the Parental Rights Amendment is a conviction that many friends of mine share. The Kincell family hosted a rally meant to inform about the issue and strengthen this conviction.

In my humble opinion, it went really well!

Local politicians came and spoke regarding the issue...

And Will Estrada gave an excellent lecture about the threats to parental rights, what we can do, and the importance of a parental rights amendment. For more information, see

 It was great to see so many friends and new faces.

Especially, kids and young teens. I'm so grateful that they are interested in this issue!

Hannah and Emily
Even though we were busy, we did find time to squeeze in a little lunch.

Pizza, anyone?
Me and Kes
All in all, a productive afternoon.


Kiri said...

Don't I look just lovely with my mouth full!

The rally did go well. Thank you so much for all your help! We so appreciate all that your family does and the heart you have for ministry!

You beat me to this post. You know, our blogs cover a lot of the same things... It's nice that our lives overlap so much. :)

Looking forward to tomorrow night!

Keely said...

The rally did go well! Are you planning on coming to The Child movie on Saturday? That should be very good too. I'm really looking forward to it!

Laura said...

We should be there, Keely! I'm REALLY looking forward to it too. :)