Sunday, November 14, 2010

Until we meet again

ROPC's Pastor and his wife of over 30 years have retired. We will miss them. Their faith, support, and love have been a great blessing.

Pastor & Mrs. Semel
 Thank you both for all your work in service to Christ's church here in Morgantown. Your example of sacrifice and humility is a blessing to all of us.

May God bless you both in your new season of life!

Pictures of VBS, etc.
And, as Pastor Semel reminded us: "This is not goodbye." Just: "Arrivederci!"

The program for the retirement party

1 comment:

Kiri said...

It will be so weird to not have Pastor and Mrs. S at your church! They've been your pastoral couple since... the church started? At least as long as I've known you. But I do hope and pray that God will bless them in this new chapter of their lives. Grandchildren are blessings meant to be enjoyed!