Monday, November 15, 2010

Ruminative Me

As I sit in my room listening to country music, the house begins to grow steadily quieter. My family has either headed to bed or is moving in that direction. I like this quiet time of the night more than I should as it makes the early morning seem like a curse rather than a blessing. But, my mind is still awake. Thinking. Pondering. Musing. Brooding. Contemplating. Etcetera. Etcetera. Etcetera.

The Sabbath was restful. And yet, convicting. Thus begins my thoughtful vigil.

Today was another day in the Worldview Study. As we discussed the orthodox views of creation, blogging entered the conversation. My dad reminded the group that it is not appropriate to insult, degrade, or bash our brothers online. He offered that the internet is a great tool, but we should be careful in its use. This evening, while I listen to John Mayer (yes, I've moved on from country...), I realize that I've failed. While I should always speak the truth, I need to speak it in love. I should THINK before I speak... Are my words True? Are my words Helpful? Are my words Inspiring? Are my words Necessary? Are my words Kind? My sin gets in the way. I may speak the truth, but do my words pass the other litmus tests? Therefore I stand (er, sit?) before you, my eleven readers, and apologize for any instance of inappropriate words. It is one of my greatest desires to inspire discussion; however, I never wish it to become an argument or a fight. If it does than I have failed, and this blog is useless. Therefore, if my words have ever caused discord, I apologize and repent.

On the main page of my blog, James 1:19 is written for my reminder, "This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger."By God's grace, His hand will cover my mouth.

On the same theme, it is my confession that great communication is not my strength. I strive for it, but I don't always make it there. And I like to tease. Combine the two, and you've got quite the interesting bag. To my other friends who like to tease, we'll endeavor to laugh together and not be insulted. :O)

And with that, my mind begins to fade... Goodnight.


Der Luchs said...

I don't think there have been any inappropriate words, Laura. You're very careful to make positive, edifying posts, and even when you voice disagreement I can tell you're exercising self-restraint. That's a lot more than I can say for other bloggers.

But if there's anything I've learned about people, it's that what's true in any relationship -- friend, family, or romantic -- also holds up in debate: People want to know that we listen to them, and they resent it when they feel like we're shutting them down, or that we're just waiting for them to say the right keywords so we can launch into our carefully memorized counter-arguments. We usually don't intend for them to feel shut down, but we spend so much time thinking and talking about ideas like creationism, or Calvinism, or millennialism in the abstract that we forget that *particular* people, made in God's image, hold these views. And they need our care and our kind words of concern (and yes, even our gloves) in addition to our correction.

At least, that's what I've found to be the case with myself. One of the things I really liked about the OPC I went to in Birmingham was that Carl Russell wouldn't preach a single sermon without reminding his congregation that he himself needed to hear what he was preaching. Likewise, I can't pretend I myself don't need the message, "A soft answer turns away wrath." (You might have noticed that some of the arguments in favor of Old Earth hit a nerve with me last night.) So don't take any remarks I have on the subject as vindictive; just consider them humble advice from someone who's been there too many times.

Kiri said...

I've actually been having similar thoughts ever since ya'll were house-sitting. Remember Oliver in "Homecoming" mentioning our society full of bloggers who are armchair critiques, never actually doing anything heroic just criticizing everyone else? And I wondered if that could be me, sincerely hoping not! It was good for me, encouraging me to seriously think through what I'm sharing on my blog and not abuse it as an open platform for promoting my opinions without being really careful and humble. And I *resemble* that remark about communication not being a great strength... Another reason to be cautious!

I like how open you are in your blog thoughts. And I don't remember you ever degrading anyone online, much less your brothers in Christ. You've shared many good thoughts and have never been preachy or put down others who don't agree. I love your tender, humble heart, and it shows all the more in posts like these.

Much love and looking forward to tomorrow evening!


P.S. Since you mentioned John Mayer, did you know "Dear John" is about him? Weird, huh?