Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sense and Sensibility

Some of you may be wondering what happened to the JA club. It did falter a little bit, but this past Friday night, we all met to watch the new adaptation of Sense of Sensibility.
Sense and Sensibility used to be my favorite Jane Austen novel. This was before I had read Mansfield Park or Persuasion. However, this story still holds a special connection for me. I was really excited to see a new version of it! (and my friends were scarcely less excited). This new version did not disappoint. It was the same beautiful story that I have come to know and love, but it was given more time to fully do the story justice.

My friends and I were delighted by the choices of actors and actresses (though, Col. Brandon did take some getting used to... I remembered him as Bradley Headstone). The costumes were beautiful, though as little familiar. There were some classic lines missing: "F Major!", but new favorites came about: "If she comes to live here, I might even poison her." Overall, this version did outshine the Emma Thompson S&S.

I'm sure I will watch this movie again and again over the years to come.
Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell is soon coming to PBS... perhaps the JA club will watch it too...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was so fun! I love this new version. I think it might be one of my favorite JA movies now! :oD

Tricia said...

So you liked it, Laura! I'm very glad. S&S isn't even my favorite story, but I really enjoyed the movie. How'd you think the characters compared with the Emma Thompson version's characters?

Cranford is really, really good too. It's long, and full of old, single's different. :)

Kiri said...

S&S was so good! I'm hoping to write a complete review of my thoughts for my blog, but I don't know when I'll have time...

Thanks for sharing one of the pics! I can't believe I didn't take any. But I don't think that midnight is my most photogenic hour. Let's take pictures earlier next time!

Speaking of "next time," did your mom come up with a good date yet? The delights of P&P and Emma await!